Complaints Policy
Angels On Board is committed to providing great service to both our job seekers and clients. If you feel that we have failed in any way to meet your expectations, please contact us so that we can address your concerns.
If you have a complaint please contact Emmeline Gee, Director or Angels on Board by phone +34 628 805 588 in the first instance so that we can try and resolve your complaint informally.
At this stage, if you are not satisfied, please write to Emmeline Gee at Angels On Board, 4 Vicarage Grove, Stoke Gabriel, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 6QR or alternatively email her at info@angels-on-board.com
We will write to you acknowledging your correspondence within five working days to acknowledge receipt of your complaint.
Emmeline Gee will investigate your complaint and may contact you to seek clarification of certain issues. We undertake to complete our investigations within 10 working days. If we need additional time, we will contact you to inform you of our progress.
Emmeline Gee will then contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss your complaint and propose a suitable solution or course of action. We will also send you a written copy of our findings.
If you do not want a meeting or it is not possible, Emmeline Gee will send her detailed reply to your complaint. This will include her suggestions for resolving the matter. She will do this within five days of completing her investigation.
Added complaints information for Seafarers:
You are entitled to be accompanied by a friend or a trade union representative.
Please be assured that should you raise a complaint, for any reason, it will not result in you receiving any less favourable treatment than if you had not raised the complaint.
If you are still unsatisfied, you can appeal to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency with your complaint.
They can be contacted at Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Spring Place, 105 Commercial Road, Southampton, SO151EG, Maritime and Coastguard Agency or alternatively email mlc@mcga.gov.uk