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2021 - New Year, New Job - CV Advice

What are your hopes for this year? If you’re hoping to land a new job, its probably worth taking another look at your CV. Your CV is critical to getting your next role, whether you’re new to yachting or have years of experience.

We’ve spent some time redesigning and adding more resources to the Crew Area of our website – click the link to check it out. You'll find advice and videos here on getting into the industry as well as how to write your CV.

If you’re applying direct to yachts or with large recruiters – your CV will be one of many they see. Here at Angels on Board we try to respond to all applicants, but we're only human, so its important to present yourself in the best possible way. Our Wing Woman Amy used to work in recruitment and HR in London and here she shares her TOP 5 TIPS for making sure your CV gets considered.

1. Covering Email

Take it from me - an ex City recruiter – when you get 100+ responses for 1 job – in the first sifting round you’re looking for reasons to discount people - and quickly – for me that used to be silly email addresses, poor grammar and spelling in the covering email, no covering email, people who forgot to actually attach the CV - you'd be surprised how often this happens! A covering email that is obviously generic (this is ok when it's an 'on spec' application to an agent) rather than tailored to the specific job application. No subject heading. Its ruthless, but they go straight in the bin – sometimes before even getting to the CV. So - write a simple clear covering email, specific to the role you’re applying for, double check your spelling, remember to attach your CV, include a subject heading and if your email address is something you thought was funny when you were 13 – it’s probably time for a new one.

2. Formatting

So you’ve made it through the first sift! Ask yourself what do they want to know? Answer - they want to be able to quickly identify that you have the relevant qualifications and experience for the role your applying for. At this stage the recruiter may still just be scanning over CVs rather than reading every word. So the overall visual of the CV is important – doesn’t need to be fancy or complicated, look like a graphic design project or styled in canva - keep it simple, consistent and clear. A simple word doc that is easy to read is enough (you’ll also appreciate this when you come to update it).

3. Chapter & Verse

The purpose of the CV is to get you an interview, not to tell your whole life story, so it doesn’t need to be an essay! Trust me… no one reads past the first 2 pages… but don’t go making it type size 8 to fit it all on! Just include the highlights, headlines and key information – at interview you can expand more – and will be expected to – so if all you have to say is on your CV and at interview you find you’re just repeating what’s already written and been read by the interviewer - it won’t be a very interesting conversation for either of you – you want to have something to say when the recruiter asks you “tell me more about…”

4. Photos

Unlike other industries – a photo is essential – watch our video for advice on getting a good photo.

5. Get help

Always get someone to read over your CV – if you’ve been sat writing it for hours you will become blind to mistakes that someone else – including the recruiter – will spot easily! This is particularly important if English is not your 1st language. And if you’re at a real loss – there is professional help out there – we’ve put some professional CV designers we recommend on our website.

We hope this has been helpful for you – if you haven’t sent us your CV in a while and you’ve updated it – please do send it over to Amy on

Good Luck.

Team AoB xx



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